Another day, another month, another year - we all continue on in our everyday routines until something major changes, or until we lose someone we love. I've experienced many changes over the past few years, and have also lost some very important people in my life.
Most recently, my dear Aunt passed away after health issues and a brief bout with cancer ended her mission on earth. And what a mission! She was the Auntie that could sew anything - from lingerie to swimsuits to lined suits to snowmobile suits! She made our snowmobile suits when we were kids by holding up some paper, sketching a pattern , and whipping up a suit in a weekend's time. She was remembered in a wonderful celebration service - music she loved, people she loved, and the quilts she made adorned her church. I'm sad to think I can never talk to her again, but my heart is joyful that she doesn't have to suffer in any way. She was a one-of-a-kind, to-the-point, lover-of-learning and grateful-for-everything kind of person. I can only hope to be remembered in a similar way.
And life continues on in many joyous ways as well! Today, my daughter and I worked on getting her wedding invitations ready to mail. It's almost here! The next 2 months are going to be a whirlwind of preparations, shopping, details and showers. It's coming up so fast.
I am trying to help her focus on one task at a time - all those final details can be so overwhelming. And weddings should be fun, not stressful! Trying to keep it low key, on time, and within budget. (?!!!) And without any bridezilla attitudes, LOL. Fortunately, my daughters are both very practical, and thankful for supportive good friends and family. It's going to be so fun! Another life-changing event :)
There's life, and there's LIFE. Enjoy every moment, be your best YOU, and appreciate every day. There's no time for anything less.