
Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday's Mail Made My Day

The 'Tatting Press' by that up-and-coming designer Ann with a Plan was waiting for  me in the mailbox when I got home today.  Not only is it a great design, but so expertly and neatly crafted as well.  I am honored to receive this gift!

Ann also included this beautiful tatted snowflake:

and these pretty buttons and beads:

and some leftover fabric to match the press:

The bag-lady in me is pondering a matching bag . . . 

Thanks again, Ann!
I will love carrying my tatting in this stylish press!


  1. that snowflake is absolutely beautiful! I make a lot of crocheted snowflakes, but I have yet to tackle tatted ones, yours is very pretty!


  2. What a lovely goody bag in the mail! Just read your post about the bookmark. I'm thinking I had to do that with the tree frog. I'd have to review it to remember exactly how it went. I'm sure Jane would be very happy to help too.

  3. Hey Cindy!
    I'm so happy it arrived safe and sound, and that you like it! The snowflake is by Jon and is called Quantiesque - it was a lovely tat and went together quite easily. I look forward to seeing what kind of bag you make!
    :) Ann

  4. Your a lucky tatter. I'm very anxious for Ann with a Plan to offer her tutorial on her tatting press, I can't wait to get my hands on one.

  5. That is so cool! I'm going to have to make one of those for myself when the tutorial becomes available!

  6. Lucky you! That press looks awesome! And then all those other goodies - wow. We're all looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the material.


Thanks for your thoughts - I read and appreciate every one!