
Friday, October 19, 2018

It’s October What?

Wow - here we are, more than halfway through October already.  Our weather in Minnesota has been unseasonably COLD!  Our average temps this time of year are about 60 F, and we’ve had 40’s. Brrrr!  There was even a little snow last weekend, but it melted quickly (thank heavens!)

I have been working on the “secret quilt”, so I haven’t been tatting.  I’ve also been working on a weekend duffel for ME!  Unfortunately, I’m at a bit of a standstill until I can re-cut my straps.  I can’t find the hardware required in the pattern, so I’ll have to do a bit of adjusting to the fabric I’ve already cut.  No problem, I just need to have a good block of time to think straight so I don’t make errors that I can’t correct.  Dang it, I hate when patterns need something that I can’t run to Joann’s and get with a coupon!

My sweet sidekick - Ruby - has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  She was 12 years and 3 months old, which is pretty old for a boxer.  She was “losing her legs” and experiencing tipping and tripping, and I was terrified that she would fall down the stairs in our home while I was at work.  We’d been watching the progress all summer, and it started to deteriorate quickly.  My heart is broken and we miss her presence so much!  All the daily routines have changed.

Are you joining in on the Tatting Corner Secret Santa Exchange?  I am!  Email if you’re interested!  I haven’t participated in an exchange for several years, but it really is fun.  I’m looking forward to doing it again.

Last weekend, I attended a lecture by Kaffe Fassett, well known for vibrant, colorful fabric designs.  I love the Kaffe fabric collection, and can’t wait to get creative with some of his fabric.  So many ideas, so little time - as usual.  The lecture was great - so many good thoughts about where inspiration really comes from.  Everywhere!  Look at the color around you.  I love vibrant color, but my home is rather boring and “safe” with tan painted walls 😬.

What inspires you?


  1. Oh, you’re lucky to be able to listen to Kaffe Fasset. It’s colder than usual here too, we’re supposed to be summery by now.

  2. Those little fur-kids. They are such a part of our families that when they're gone, there's a big hole. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    Color. Hmm. It's sure not where I work that I get inspired. The architects chose blonde woods, mostly white walls (with open ceilings so we see heat, electrical wiring, supports, rafters etc., and the colors they did use are vivid orange, an ugly shade of (supposedly) spring green and raspberry pink. It is garish and glaring (geez, can you tell I don't like it?), oh, and add to the ugly green, a medium tone of grey. It is not pleasant to my tastes. Good thing I have people who design thread colors that are SO appealing!


Thanks for your thoughts - I read and appreciate every one!