
Sunday, November 10, 2019

2019 - PART ONE!

Gosh!  I’m going to have to focus on at least one blog post a month - if for no other reason than for myself to go back and look šŸ˜Š I do refer back on my blog for dates or milestones, and it is kind of a good journal when there’s no time or desire to write in an actual hard copy journal.  I've kept many journals over the years, but the past few years I have found it to be hard to keep up.  Either my life is boring, too busy, or I just have no desire to write about my day.

In any case, it’s been a busy summer and a wonderful year!  We had great fun celebrating my parents' 60th wedding anniversary in August with an open house style buffet.  It was fun to see many of their family and friends there, and such a good time meeting those we’d never met.  What a wonderful thing to celebrate - a true example of love and friendship for many years.

I’ve spent the year watching my two daughters go through their first pregnancies.  They know so much nowadays - right down to exactly what is developing during every week.  We had each of their baby showers, and it was fun to see all the good wishes they received.  And as a first-time grandma of  both a boy and a girl, I can tell you the baby clothes are soooo fun to shop for.  (Tee hee!)

I spent time making them each a quilt, and since I’m big on books, each quilt was made with a story center and given with the matching book.  My sappy touch!  I think they turned out beautifully, and hopefully will be used and loved.

And now those babies are 6 weeks and 3 weeks old, and I’ve been lucky that they live close enough for me to get my gramma snuggles in weekly.  Watching my daughters and their husbands go through the new parenting struggles is a reminder of how rough those early days can be - just trying to figure those little bundles out.

Of course my babies needed a special 2019 penny from gramma too!

More on this fabulous year later šŸ˜‰

*** END PART 1 ***


  1. Been so fun to be around while you’re going through this too. Those baby quilts quilts are absolutely a wonderful heirloom, what a treasure!

  2. Congratulations! The babies are lucky to have a grandma who makes such wonderful gifts for them. Congratulations to your parents too, that's quite a milestone.


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